
Incomplete Question / Incorrect Official Solution | Class XII Maths Paper | March 2020

Dear Sir / Madam

1. Refer Class-XII Board Paper:
Subject: Maths
Question: 35
Series: HMJ/5
Code No.: 65/5/1, 
Set: 1
Date of Examination: 18 March 2020

2. The official solution to this question (shown below for reference) is correct only if conditions are given like "x>0":

3. However, the question does not mention such conditions which makes the official solution incorrect. Plotting equation (ii) in this solution would give the following graph for a=b=c=1.

4. From the graph above, it is clear that the minimum value is "- infinity".
But, according to solution when a=b=c=1, the answer is '2' which contradicts the graph.

5. Therefore, the official solution is incorrect. The correct answer should be "-infinity".

6. In view of the above, the question is incomplete as it does not mention conditions which makes the official solution incorrect.

Therefore, I request you to allot marks for solutions other than official also.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely

Syed Shiraz Zainvi